Online Courses


This is your online specialised program and course dashboard. It is your own personal Health Healing Life library where you come to access all of your programs and courses as well as check out anything new we have on offer. You will see that once you have access to a program or course it will change to be full colour, courses and programs you don’t have access to yet will be displayed in black and white. If you see a program or a course that you are interested in exploring but you don't have access, simply click on the course and you will be taken to a page with all the details and options for purchase.



Online Courses

practitioner programs

An Exploration of our Relationship WIth The Body Y

Super important

Go up to bookmarks and save this page to your Bookmark Toolbar - that way you can access it without the hassle of trying to find the web address each time.

Enjoy, perusing what we have on offer and we look forward to sharing much more with you over the coming months and years.

With warm regards,

