The Energetics of Life
Building Awareness 3: Bringing Deeper Purpose
About Has life ever felt a bit bland to you? Like it was lacking deeper meaning or purpose? So many people can relate to or struggle with feeling a lack of meaning in life. What isn’t understood though, are the devastating effects this has on our bodies and lives. In this masterclass Rebecca unpacks what…
Read MoreBuilding Awareness 2: Understanding Dreams
About Dreams, dreams, dreams??? Most the time when I hear people talk about dreams I cringe. The glamourised airy-fairy rainbow unicorn way that people talk about dreams makes me gag. What are they and can we find support and meaning within them? Too many people either discount the importance of dreams or they get swept…
Read MoreBuilding Awareness 1: Reading Life
About Have you ever considered that you can read life? That life has a flow, it has a deeper meaning and that things happen as a result of something deeper? Building your awareness in life is not only an important aspect of being able to understand why things happen the way they happen but it…
Read MoreUnwrapping your relationship with Food
About Knowing what food is healthy for us to eat is the easy part . . . being able to consistently eat what is healthy and nourishing for our body is not always easy. In this presentation we will look at what else is at play with our food choices and how we can support…
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