This workshop follows on from the first presentations in the How To Stop Arguments Series.  In How Do We Get Caught In Arguments? the workshop, we took it to a new depth by coming to understand how we get caught in them and what the next true question is for us. This workshop is super…

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Do you still get caught in arguments? Do you even argue with yourself? We are going to take a look at what is behind arguments and how we can stop them. . . even the internal ones.

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Should I stay or should I go? This is such a common dilemma for people who find themselves in a relationship that is unhealthy, hurtful, full of tension or arguments. It can be difficult to know what is true because making the decision to leave is a massive life changer and it can be really…

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Something that is not talked about nearly enough . . . is the setup that happens WAY before an actual physical argument, so in this presentation we unwrap what lurks beneath arguments and come to understand the lead-up to the argument.

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Dealing with arguments is a big deal and things can go bad real quick when we don’t know how to best support ourselves (and the relationship) in these situations. In this presentation we’re talking about tension. Do you know the difference between different types of tension and how to support yourself and your partner with…

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