So often responsibility is thought of as a dirty word. In this episode Rebecca and Kristie go straight to the core of things and begin unpacking the importance in supporting kids in building a healthy and enriching relationship with responsibility. You won’t believe where the conversation leads them…… We can’t wait for Part 2.

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To kick off the Nurturing Kids Series, Rebecca talking with Carmel about what it truly means to listen to kids, they explore what interferes with us doing this and along the way, unravel one of the biggest roadblocks that gets in the way. . . . .  Trust me, it won’t be what you think!

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About Mother’s Guilt “Mother’s guilt” is a commonly experienced tension that can follow us mums everywhere, affecting our confidence, self worth & well-being. It can literally feel like a monkey on our back, weighing us down and dampening our pizzazz. Did you know you have pizzazz? It can be easy to forget sometimes. Many people…

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About Valuing yourself as a Mother Mothering does not need to come at the expense of a woman. So many mothers accepting a lesser quality of relationship & engagement from their children compared to what they would accept from any other person. When we don’t address this dynamic everyone looses out, including our kids. Parenting Tips The world is…

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About Knowing your strengths as a Mother There is no “cookie cutter” approach to mothering, however many women despair when they don’t fit the mould. Mothers are such important role models & it is a shame when women do not know their unique strengths. A whole family benefits when a woman knows her strength. Join us to uncover…

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About This presentation is for everyone (men and women) as we explore how to understand boys & build truly loving connections that are meaningful and lasting. Through this, decision making, communication & discipline are naturally easier.  Also: Women can explore their own childhood & relationship with themselves.

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About This presentation is for everyone (men and women) as we explore how to understand boys & build truly loving connections that are meaningful and lasting. Through this, decision making, communication & discipline are naturally easier.  In addition: Men can explore their own childhood & relationship with themselves.

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